We want to set up a forensic laboratory from the scratch. Do you help us at every stage including purchasing of equipment and training about them?
Yes. We help you to buy proper equipment to your laboratory from the vendors that you are already work with depending to specific analysis requirements. Even from test tubes to proper organic solutions, or column in your instrument to SPE cartridge for your specific analysis.
Do you have already validated methods for alcohol analysis, or drug analysis in blood or urine samples that you can teach and share us?
Yes. We set up every procedure to your lab and do proper validation according to your laboratory condition. We have already many procedures varying depending to your availability. For instance, if you have GC-MS and want to analyze drugs in blood, we have sample preparation analysis method for this; or if you have LC-MS/MS, available procedures are modified to this instrument.
We want to buy new instrument and equipment for drug analysis. Do you have service to prepare budget-friendly equipment list for whole procedure?
Depending on your country and vendors we do our best. At all the steps of purchasing, we could advise about properness of the equipment during set up.
We do not have trained forensic toxicologists in our lab, and we do not have time to send them for a long term education. Do you have service for training on practical forensic toxicology applications on site in our laboratory?
We have training service in your own laboratory, with your own equipment or procedures you wanted to set up. You could buy this service; it is not hourly based but it is weekly based within working hours. We recommend that you make an early reservation for this service.
How long does it take if we want to have this service? What is the minimum training period?
Minimum training period is 2-week; however, this period can be increased according to your requirements till one month.
Do you have remote consultancy during purchasing period?
Yes, we have remote counselling service; before and after establishing laboratory or validating an analysis method.
Which type of instruments do you have training schedule?
Many spectrophotometric or chromatographic instruments including HS-GC-FID/MS, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, HPLC, LC-MS/MS, QTOF to analyze alcohol, drugs or postmortem toxicological analysis.